Video translation of on Eye Problems for the People in Victoria State

Video translation of on Eye Problems for the People in Victoria State

6 Videos of the 3 Australian state agencies on various Eye Problems have been translated into Turkish through a British Agency. Video #1 : Eye Problems — Cataracts. Video #2 : Eye Problems — Cataracts ( Alternative version ). Video #3 : Eye Problems — Glaucoma. Video #4 : Eye Problems — Glaucoma ( Alternative version ). Video #5 : Eye Problems — Macular Degeneration. Video #6 : Eye Problems — Macular Degeneration ( Alternative version ). Australian State Agencies : 1-) Victorian State Government – Department of Transport 2-) Transport Accident Commission 3-) Vicroads

Turkish translation for Bukhara Media

Turkish translation for Bukhara Media

A 3-episode-series (mini series) has been localized into Turkish. Business Cover Letter and production brief has been also translated into Turkish. The name of the series is : Dawn of Hopes — Umutların Şafağı

Turkish Transcription for TLC USA

Turkish Transcription for TLC USA

Turkish Transcription + Translation work done as a subcontractor for TLC USA’s show “90 Day Fiancé”. The job was subcontracted by an American Translation Agency.

Regular Subtitling for Statkraft

Regular Subtitling for Statkraft

Regular Turkish Translation + Subtitling for the renewable energy giant of the world — Statkraft Norway — since 2017. The work is directly given by the Norwegian State Institute itself.