Proven Experience

13 Years of Professional Translation Experience

Perfectionist & Idealist

As a teacher; an idealist who dedicates herself to perfectionism

Genuinely High Quality

Graduations from Bogazici University, Dumlupinar University, & Anadolu University

High Speed & QA

High Speed and Quality Assurance – working as a married couple in a home-office sphere.

Professional Business

Working as a team of translators in large scale projects

Global Scale

Global scale portfolio companies from Fortune 500 list or World Giants.

800+ Translation Related Jobs & Projects

Vastly experienced — 800+ Projects / Jobs completed in only 11 years.

High Availability

Available on Upwork, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr, Truelancer, Guru, TranslatorsCafe, Proz and Freelancer


SDL Trados Studio works are performed with technical memory files.

A B O U T   S E R R A  E .

English Language & Literature

Graduate of a 4 Year DEGREE PROGRAM; Western Languagues

International Pedagogic Formation

Graduated from 2 year International Pedagogic Formation Training

Government Certified Translator

Turkish Government Certified and SWORN Translator

Official English Teacher

Worked as an official English Teacher at Turkish State Schools


Native Turkish Translator

Website, Mobile App, In-house Trainings, Books, and other documents to translate

Proof-reader & Reviewer

Turkish / English Proof-reading, Reviews, and Corrections


Turkish & English Linguist

Affiliated with 3 Public Notaries

Officially affiliated with 3 different Public Notaries in 3 Cities of Turkey

Voice over Talent

Female & Male Voice-over talents with Home Studio

Web / Market Researcher

Professional Web & Market Researches on Turkey / Turkish Market

Audio / Video Transcription

Audio / Video Transcription, Subtitling, Captioning, and Time-coding.

Warm & Cold Calls

Warm and Cold Business Calls for non-“sales & marketing related” purposes.

Other Specific Capabilities include:

• Versatile Turkish Contractor
• Turkish Sworn / Certified Translator
• Turkish Google Adwords Ads Management
• Turkish Customer Service / Support Agent for Turkish Customers (web, email, phone)
• Turkish Search Engine Optimization – SEO – Expert
• Turkish Search Engine Marketing / Advertisement – SEM / SEA – Expert
• Turkish Social Media Marketing – SMM – Expert
• Turkish Language Editor
• Mobile Application Localization and Testing
• Voice over Talent / Audio Records with a HOME STUDIO
• Turkish Audio / Video Transcription
• Cold Calls / Warm Calls to Turkish Market
• Turkish Translation Proof-reading
• Turkish Translation Reviewing / Editing
• Web Research on Turkey
• Turkish Interpretation
• Turkish Data Mining
• Market Research in Turkey
• Helper for International Trade / Import from Turkey / Trading


Serra E. Turkish Translator's Upwork English Tests - 1

* Only “English Language Assessment” related results are displayed here.