Turkish Translation for Koch
Turkish Translation for Koch Industries made at an online business platform. Moreover, I am the Turkish member of the Koch Translation Talent Cloud.

Turkish Transcription for TLC USA
Turkish Transcription + Translation work done as a subcontractor for TLC USA’s show “90 Day Fiancé”. The job was subcontracted by an American Translation Agency.

Turkish Translations for Johnson & Johnson
English to Turkish cosmetic/medical product (Mentor breast implants) brochure translations for Johnson & Johnson (J&J) USA has been made since April 2017. I am the Turkish member of the J&J Translation Talent Cloud since the first project.

UBER Job Interviews
Phone interviews ( on eligibility for recruitment ) with Job Applicants of UBER was performed at 2 different and long stages of months. The project was directly given by Uber Turkey Business Development Manager. First team of Uber have been pre-selected by me and my husband.

Coca-Cola Translation & Proofreading
English to Turkish Translation and Proof-reading of Marketing Material done for Coca-Cola USA. The work was subcontracted by an American Translation Agency.

P&G Translation
English to Turkish translation for P&G internal training named Respect Training. The training was also presented as a video with voice over and subtitles. Script translation and subtitling was done by me but not the voice-over.