Turkish Translations for ObserveIT

Turkish Translations for ObserveIT

Turkish translation for Observe-IT (an Israeli Security Company) made in a project that took a few months. The software is a security monitoring platform generally used by Banks and Large scale corporates all around the world.

Turkish Translations and Voice over for LifeScan devices

Turkish Translations and Voice over for LifeScan devices

Turkish translations and Turkish Voice-over project has been done for LifeScan medical devices. The project was a mid-term project on diabetes products of Lifescan. Ever since I completed the project, I have been a member of the LifeScan Talent Cloud.



This is a long term project on Turkish Technical Translations (users-manuals, instructions, brochures) of ALL of the technical equipment installed on POWER PLANTS by NEM Energy BV — also known as NEM Group —  a  subsidiary Siemens Energy – the global leader in the field of heat transfer technology.

Regular Subtitling for Statkraft

Regular Subtitling for Statkraft

Regular Turkish Translation + Subtitling for the renewable energy giant of the world — Statkraft Norway — since 2017. The work is directly given by the Norwegian State Institute itself.

Vimar Technical Translations

Vimar Technical Translations

Various Technical (Electronic Automated System related) translations for Vimar (Smart House / Home Automation Systems) performed with SDL Trados Studio 2011 software done for 3 years. The work was subcontracted by an Italian Translation Agency.

Ecologic Translations

Ecologic Translations

A few different Turkish technical translations for Ecologic LLC USA — including its full website — have been performed by me.

Athena Parthenos Technical Translations

Athena Parthenos Technical Translations

Regular technical translations done for the Italian translation agency / company AP – Athena Parthenos, between 2010 and 2016. As a tool, mostly SDL TRADOS ( various versions ) have been used.