Regular RS2 Media Translations ( for 7 Years )
I made Regular Turkish Translations for RS2 Media between 2014 and 2021 ( about 7 years ) until the business situation has been changed.

Turkish Translations and Voice over for LifeScan devices
Turkish translations and Turkish Voice-over project has been done for LifeScan medical devices. The project was a mid-term project on diabetes products of Lifescan. Ever since I completed the project, I have been a member of the LifeScan Talent Cloud.

Turkish Translations for Johnson & Johnson
English to Turkish cosmetic/medical product (Mentor breast implants) brochure translations for Johnson & Johnson (J&J) USA has been made since April 2017. I am the Turkish member of the J&J Translation Talent Cloud since the first project.

cTrader FX / Forex Software Translation
Financial data analysis and trading software, cTrader and its mobile applications ( android and ios ) have been translated from English into Turkish by me.