Turkish Proofreading/Translation of Roche Mobile app
Proofreading and Translation of Roche’s mobile game application “Tiny Trainers” have been performed by me at Upwork through an Agency. – . – CATEGORIES : [project-category-list] TAGS : [project-tag-list]
Turkish Translations for Chegg
Regular Turkish translations for the American education technology company Chegg are performed at Upwork under several different contract from Chegg US & India and Chegg International. Chegg Turkish website and Course Information were translated by me. I am also...
Turkish Translations for Hitachi
Turkish translations for Hitachi has been completed by me. The work has been given from an international translation agency. – . – CATEGORIES : [project-category-list] TAGS : [project-tag-list]
Turkish Translations for MOA Gaming
Complete website of MOA Gaming (a portal for gambling & casino games ) along with its Blog and Documentation has been done by me. It has many Casino and Gambling related content including related games from all the sector. – . – CATEGORIES :...
Regular RS2 Media Translations ( for 7 Years )
I made Regular Turkish Translations for RS2 Media between 2014 and 2021 ( about 7 years ) until the business situation has been changed.

Covid-19 Video Translations/Subtitling for the NHS – Uk
An explainer video on self-testing of the Covid-19 Virus tester has been translated/ proofread and subtitled for the NHS of the UK. Job was subcontracted from a UK agency. Test name: Orient Gene COVID-10 (antigen) self-test

Video translation of on Eye Problems for the People in Victoria State
6 Videos of the 3 Australian state agencies on various Eye Problems have been translated into Turkish through a British Agency. Video #1 : Eye Problems — Cataracts. Video #2 : Eye Problems — Cataracts ( Alternative version ). Video #3 : Eye Problems — Glaucoma. Video #4 : Eye Problems — Glaucoma ( Alternative version ). Video #5 : Eye Problems — Macular Degeneration. Video #6 : Eye Problems — Macular Degeneration ( Alternative version ). Australian State Agencies : 1-) Victorian State Government – Department of Transport 2-) Transport Accident Commission 3-) Vicroads

Turkish Translations for ObserveIT
Turkish translation for Observe-IT (an Israeli Security Company) made in a project that took a few months. The software is a security monitoring platform generally used by Banks and Large scale corporates all around the world.

Turkish Translation for Koch
Turkish Translation for Koch Industries made at an online business platform. Moreover, I am the Turkish member of the Koch Translation Talent Cloud.

Turkish Localization of Nerbyte Games
All games of German game company Nerbyte has been localised into Turkish. The games include; Freecell, Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, and Klondike Solitaire.

Turkish translation for Bukhara Media
A 3-episode-series (mini series) has been localized into Turkish. Business Cover Letter and production brief has been also translated into Turkish. The name of the series is : Dawn of Hopes — Umutların Şafağı

BitKong Turkish Translations
Regular Turkish Translation and Localization works have been performed by me for BitKong website and mobile applications (iOS and Android). The website & mobile applications can work with cryptocurrencies like; bitcoin, bitcoin Lightning, ethereum, xrp, usd coin, doge coin, light coin, dash, and bitcoin cash, and it allows exchange between those currencies including major world currencies. The project is still going on for 4+ years.

Turkish Translation & Linguistic Works for FunEasyLearn
English to Turkish translation and linguistic works done for the worldwide leader language learning application FunEasyLearn has been performed by me for 3+ years.

Pegasus Airlines Website Translation
Turkish to English translation of the City Travel Guides in the Website of the 2nd biggest airlines of Turkey — Pegasus Airlines. Job done as a subcontractor of European Agency.

War of Nations Game Translation
English to Turkish translation of the game WAR OF NATIONS have been completed by me. The game company was from Czech Republic and the work done on-site.

Vimar Technical Translations
Various Technical (Electronic Automated System related) translations for Vimar (Smart House / Home Automation Systems) performed with SDL Trados Studio 2011 software done for 3 years. The work was subcontracted by an Italian Translation Agency.

Tauri World Translation
English to Turkish translation of the game TauriWorld was completed only by me. I also played it completely before and after translation in order to achieve perfection in translation.

IMVU Website Localization
IMVU is a 3D and avatar-based realistic teenage girl/boy game. English to Turkish Translation +Localisation of the IMVU website completed a few years ago by me. Afterwards, the translations gone on by crowd-sourcing.

Turkish Translation for Nymgo
Regular Turkish Translations were done for the mobile application (android) of Nymgo used for international calling via voip voice-over-ip. The work was done on Transifex online translation website.

Regular Translations for Talktone Inc. apps
World’s best and the most used international calling application for iOS and Android DINGTONE is being translated by me since 2014. Regular translations have been requested and delivered since 2014. The app is developed by Talktone Inc. Other mobile applications (both Apple iOS and Android) of the company being regularly translated by me are : Ins Tracker, CoverMe, SkyVPN, and TalkU.

Pinterest Localization
English to Turkish translation and localisation work for Pinterest completed in 2011. The work included Legal content translation of Pinterest (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy). The work was subcontracted by a Czech / Slovak Translation agency.