Regular RS2 Media Translations ( for 7 Years )
I made Regular Turkish Translations for RS2 Media between 2014 and 2021 ( about 7 years ) until the business situation has been changed.

Turkish Translation for Air Arabia
Turkish Translation for Google Ads campaign of Air Arabia. This was a 55k project done in a very short timeframe. The job was subcontracted by a German Translation Agency.

Turkish Translations for Johnson & Johnson
English to Turkish cosmetic/medical product (Mentor breast implants) brochure translations for Johnson & Johnson (J&J) USA has been made since April 2017. I am the Turkish member of the J&J Translation Talent Cloud since the first project.

Clash of Clans Translation
English to Turkish translation of Marketing Content ( Google Adwords ) for the world-wide famous smart-phone (Android/iOS) Game Clash of Titans.

Translation for Symantec
English to Turkish Translation of Marketing Materials (Google Adwords ads) for Symantec done by me. Work was done in 2016. The product I translated ads of Symantec is “Symantec Norton Suite”.

Translation for SONY
English to Turkish Translation (of Google Adwords Ads) for SONY UK done by me. The job was subcontracted by a UK Agency.

Finish UK Translation
English to Turkish translation of Google Adwords ADs of ( Used to be named “Calgonit” ) Finish @ the United Kingdom completed in 2015 all by me. The work was subcontracted by a UK Agency.

Coca-Cola Translation & Proofreading
English to Turkish Translation and Proof-reading of Marketing Material done for Coca-Cola USA. The work was subcontracted by an American Translation Agency.